Sep 1 20

Additional Services


We offer additional services at additional cost.  The additional weed control and disease control applications generally are the same price as your regular application price.  The cost can be prorated pending on the area(s) treated.  The additional insect control applications are mare than the regular application cost.  Please call for positive identification of the problem for a free quote.”

Additional Weed Control and Disease Control Applications

Nutsedge/ Nutgrass (June- Mid August)

               Nutsedge is perennial sedge, grass-like weed.  It thrives in hot temperatures.  There is no pre-emergent herbicide that will prevent the emergence of sedges, however, once it is actively growing (in summer months), it can be effectively treated with post- emergent herbicides.

Doveweed (June- Mid August)

               Doveweed is an aggressive, difficult weed to control that emerges in the spring.  Post-emergent herbicides work relatively well.

Bahiagrass (June- Mid August)

               Bahiagrass is a warm season, perennial grass that is effectively treated with post emergent herbicides.

Dallisgrass (November- December)

               Control for Dallisgrass is limited to non-selective herbicides, such as Round Up.  These herbicides kill areas within turf grass. 

Wild Garlic and Onion (November- December)

               They are cool season weeds that usually germinate with the onset of cooler temperatures.  It cannot be prevented from emerging, but post- emergent herbicides are effective.

Large Patch/ Brown Patch (time of application varies)

Brown Patch is a turf disease that is prevalent on some grasses in the early spring and again in the late fall.  It can be effectively treated with fungicides.

Additional Insect Control Applications

Fire Ant Seasonal Control (February- March)

The presence of fire ants is recognized by their noticeable mounds.  We believe you will be very pleased with this application, but please remember that it is very slow on active mounds.  Also, 100% control is unrealistic, 90% is outstanding, and 80% is realistic.  This material is the longest, lasting fire ant treatment available.  Still new mounds can appear during the first year as new female ants land in the treated area and start laying eggs.  When new mounds appear, please give them 2-3 weeks and they will usually die by then.  If you are still having problems after the 2-3 weeks, please call for a free service call so we can treat those mounds.  The cost for the seasonal application is three times your regular application cost.

Fire Ant Bait Control (May- August)

The bait applications are designed to be short term control.  We offer a 2 month bait control which is the same cost of your regular application and a 5 month bait control that is two times the cost of your regular application price.

Mole Cricket Control (May- June)

               Mole Crickets are a turf root-eating insect.  Damage is noticed by thinning turf and very soft soil in the affected area(s).  The cost is typically two times the cost of your regular application.

Grub Worms (May-June)

Grub worms are turf root-eating larva.  The cost is typically two times the cost of your regular application.